Are you an internet junky? A crafting junky? Have you tried Stumble yet?? In my opinion, Stumble Upon is one of the best interactive social sites on the net. You simply register (they send no spam mail!), download a toolbar for your browser and set up your personal interests. The list of topics to choose from is endless. And it's extremely addictive!
My interests are set up for photography, which I'm just learning, crafts, travel, books and many others. It's a great way to find some of the more obscure websites that wouldn't rank in the top few on a normal Google or Yahoo search. There are some wonderful sites that are full of new ideas for cooking, tips on traveling inexpensively, great book name it, it's out there. I find it fascinating and have found some great inspiration.
I've also found some really talented crafters and craft sites. Ohmystars is one of those sites. This site has everything from re-purposed t-shirts to sewing ideas. There are some really cute ideas here. Interweave Store has project instructions available for download as well as magazines and books you can purchase. And I love the Dollar Store Crafts site. They've taken items you can easily find at your local dollar stores and have turned them into fabulous useful items. The instructions are easy to follow and include photos of the completed items. There are also tutorials as well as some great links to other sites.
If you're a crafter or even a "wannabe" crafter, take a look at Stumble as well as the sites above. I think you'll find some great craft ideas and maybe some wonderful inspiration yourself!
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