I've been crafting for as long as I can remember. I seem to focus manly on making jewelry right now but I've tried sewing, embroidery, cross stitch...pretty much anything is fair game! I love to make all sorts of things and try to keep the "dabbling" to a minimum due to the costs. I've started a notebook that includes the directions for things I'd like to try in the future. I flipped through it recently and realized that my interests are more varied than I realized. So I've learned to look for the craft store coupons. It helps immensely to keep my fickleness from becoming outrageously expensive. I recently set up a shop on Etsy with the hopes that it would help pay for some of my crafting habits. Here's the link: Beechbaby's Stuff.
Here's a photo of the birthday present I recently made for my husband's birthday.